We’re here to provide support that older adults might require due to persistent illness, recovery from hospitalization, or simply life getting a bit overwhelming at times.
In these cases, Fairport Perinton Senior Connections provides needed guidance—from care management to referrals for specific services. Our services are available to Fairport/Perinton residents ages 60 and over, as well as residents under 60 who are disabled.
There are no charges for our services—donations are welcome. If you are referred to a service that involves a fee, you will be notified in advance.
For more information, transportation scheduling, or to become a transportation volunteer, please contact Sandra Chait at (585) 789-6161.
A Notice to the Public, ADA Title Il Disclosures and Title VI Disclosures are available by request.
To discuss how our skilled staff can help you or a loved one age in place and continue to be a part of our community.
Please call (585) 789-6161 ext. 102 if you’re interested in becoming a volunteer.
We’re here to provide support that older adults might require due to persistent illness, recovery from hospitalization, or simply life getting a bit overwhelming at times.